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...NUMbuh of V!sitors

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The sun sign of ARIES is the 1st sign of the zodiac in western astrology. The beginning of the astrological year is Spring. Well known for their sense of adventure, enthusiasm, confidence and quick-wittedness, women and men with Aries sun signs are said to have the characteristics of the ram. Aries does go in head first and pioneers the trail! Aries is a fire sign, and so is action oriented and assertive. Being cardinal makes Aries flexible and adaptable as well as rigid and fixed, which is also known as movable cardinality. Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, the god of warriors. This brings Aries energy and strength and facilitates communications and expansion in general. These characteristics may appear in Aries rising as well or those with Aries moon in their natal chart.
TAUROS is the 2nd sign of the zodiac in astrology and is one of the earth signs. Well known for the personality traits and characteristics of being patient and reliable, the Taurus man or woman is also loving and very warm hearted. No wonder, as they are ruled by Venus, the goddess of love. They can be very persistent and desire security. Taurus sun signs are symbolized by the bull and as you might imagine, are of fixed cardinality. Feminine in nature, it is this fixed quality that separates Taurus from fellow earth sign Virgo, which is mutable and thus more flexible. A Taurus man or woman is blessed with sound business sense and make trustworthy friends and business associates. These traits can be visible in Taurus rising or those with moon in Taurus in their natal birth chart as well.

he sign of Gemini is the 3rd sign of the zodiac in western astrology. Well known for being of two minds, this is readily apparent in the duality of the Gemini zodiac symbol, the twins. A Gemini man or woman is very curious as well as talkative and communicative, being ruled by Mercury. They have these tendencies in common with Virgo. They are indeed changeable, and possess flexible and adaptable personality traits as one would expect of a mutable sign. Gemini is also an air sign, like Libra and Aquarius. Of course, it can be hard for others to know what's really going on inside a Gemini. Half the time they haven't quite put their finger on it yet either! Fortunately, Mercury gives them a love for the exchange of ideas as well as aptitude in commerce. Unfortunately, others may have a hard time trusting them since they can come across as anxious or distant because they may feel uneasy. These traits and characteristics can be visible in male or female Gemini rising or those with moon in Gemini in their birth chart too.

 Cancer is the 4th sign of the zodiac in western astrology and is the first of the water signs. Well known for being gentle, nurturing and defensive, the latter apparent in the Cancer symbol, the Crab and its shell. The symbol, or glyph we've used represents the breasts (and nurturing). A Cancer man or woman is very self-protective, characteristically family oriented and rather emotional, being ruled by the Moon. They have the traits of being kind, sympathetic and loving. However, this can become overemotional and clingy for either a woman or a man who is their partner.

The sign of Leo is the 5th sign of the zodiac in astrology. Well known for their extroversion, enthusiasm, creativity, generosity and warm heart, a man or woman with Leo sun sign is symbolized by the Lion. They are the kings or queens and as fire signs, Leos hold strong beliefs and are strong willed, courageous or even dominant. Having fixed quality or cardinality makes Leo less flexible and adaptable than the mutable signs, perhaps even a bit rigid. A Leo man or woman is ruled by the sun itself and like the sun shining light on the planet, Leos create a presence wherever they go with their magnetic personality. These characteristics, which may manifest in Leo rising as well or those with moon in Leo in their natal chart, are their most prominent personality traits.

The Virgo sun sign is the 6th sign of the zodiac in astrology. Well known for their characteristic discrimination, hard working tendencies and service, Virgo is symbolized by the virgin, or goddess of the harvest. As one of the earth signs, the Virgo sun, moon or rising sign possesses depth. Having mutable cardinality makes Virgo flexible and adaptable. Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury, the messenger. This brings gifts to Virgo in communications and commerce, which may appear in Virgo rising as well or those with moon in Virgo in their natal chart.

Libra is the 7th sign of the zodiac in western astrology and is the second of the air signs. Well known for being fair and just the Libra symbol is the scales. Interestingly, this is the only zodiac sign represented by an inanimate object. Libra is also very social and possesses the character traits of elegance, beauty and charm. As a cardinal air sign, Libra has some things in common with Aries, Cancer and Capricorn (cardinal signs) as well as Gemini and Aquarius (air signs). Libras love communication for the sake of beauty. These men and women treasure and promote harmony. It's no wonder, since like Taurus, a Libra man or woman is ruled by Venus, the planet of love. These tendencies can also be seen in the natal charts of those with Libra rising or moon in Libra.

The zodiac sign of Scorpio is the 8th sign of the western zodiac and is the second water sign. Scorpio has a fixed cardinality or quality. Well known for being loyal, passionate, determined, intense and sexy, the Scorpio symbol is the Scorpion. Of course, these men and women can sting and in our traditional glyph we see what looks like the letter M with the tail. Scorpio has traditionally been ruled by Mars, but in modern astrology is also said have Pluto for its ruler. Pluto rules the unconscious and Mars is the planet of action so this combination makes Scorpio in touch with what's underneath the surface with others, deep within their personality. They aren't quick to share such information about their buried tendencies themselves!

The zodiac sign of Sagittarius is the 9th sign in astrology. Well known for their characteristic optimism and love for freedom, exploration and travel, Sagittarius is symbolized by the Archer, or Centaur. The arrow is also frequently used. As one of the fire signs, this sign is passionate, enthusiastic and has larger than life tendencies. Having mutable quality or cardinality gives Sagittarius a flexible and adaptable personality. Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion. This brings expansive gifts to Sagittarius as things seem to work out well for them in general. These traits may manifest in Sagittarius rising as well or those with the moon in Sagittarius in their natal chart.

The sign of Capricorn is the 10th sign of the western zodiac and is ruled by Saturn, the taskmaster. The last of the earth signs, Capricorn has a cardinal quality and these women and men are well known for being strong, tenacious, dedicated, hard working and organized. This zodiac sign possess good leadership ability. The Capricorn zodiac symbol is the goat. Frequently wise, this sign is also characteristically ambitious and may be drawn to the finer things in life.

The Aquarius sun sign is the 11th sign of the western zodiac and is ruled by Uranus, planet of change and surprise. The last of the air signs in astrology, Aquarius has fixed cardinality or quality. Aquarius is well known as the sign of friendship and brotherhood. Aquarius is symbolized by the water bearer, and they do pour themselves into everything they do. These women and men are liberal and unorthodox and they do not masquerade; what you see is what you get. Interestingly, though they are quite liberal, unconventional and free thinking, they are also somewhat intractable in their opinions. Still, an Aquarius woman or man values equality as well as individual liberty and will seek to share knowledge in the pursuit of these ends.

Pisces, the 12th and final sign of the zodiac in western astrology. A Pisces man or woman is ruled by Neptune, ruler and planet of illusion. The symbol for Pisces is the fish. The last of the water signs, Pisceans have mutable cardinality or quality, giving them flexibility and adaptability. They are well known for their sensitivity and they are the sweet and gentle dreamers of the zodiac, blessed with the gift of imagination. They make great story tellers. They almost always see the best in men, women, things and situations, though missing flaws that would be obvious to others can lead to self deception. They can have quite selfless, kind and compassionate tendencies. which sign do you belong????
......w0w this song have a great message ..
it inspires me...

Friday, February 25, 2011


astig!!! hirap ng take hometst

Tuesday, February 15, 2011